

OAM with GG | Krishna pledged to reduce taxes and increase commuter usage for the people of Canberra.

Dr. Krishna Nadimpalli is a protagonist with passion and charisma. He has a natural confidence that begets influence and inspires serving to empower communities.

Krishna moved to Australia in 2000 with a family to have a good quality of life and raise his children. He raised his two sons in Canberra and found contentment here. He takes care of his parents and enjoys spending time with his two grandchildren.

Krishna is highly educated and has more than thirty years of experience as an environmental scientist to support evidence-based policy. He made a significant difference to the Australian Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. He is a visionary community leader in establishing several organisations and institutions. He is also a teacher who brings inner peace and happiness in the lives of many.

Krishna’s ambition is to thrive in developing policy and drive governance to bring a change in the lives of Canberra communities. His knowledge and experience compliment his confidence to bring appropriate policies to make a difference in Canberra.

  • Safer Communities –Krishna’s commitment is to invest and make the suburbs safer. Improved pavements will reduce the risk for seniors and disabled persons. Increase police presence to reduce crime and safety of citizens. There are few suburbs under big threat from bushfires, Krishna is experienced in developing mitigation strategies to reduce risk to make Canberra a better place live.
  • Reduce Cost of Living –Krishna’s commitment is to bring appropriate policies for Climate Change Adaptation without impacting the cost-of-living which Canberrans are struggling with. (For example, Canberrans have paid subsidies to make the ACT hundred percent renewable energy and still paying higher electricity charges that would have been supported with balanced policies with future thinking). With his analytical skills, he will focus on demand supply of housing to address the housing affordability without risk to investors, businesses and common people. Canberra requires a sustainable transport system that reduces wastage of taxpayer money and improves commuter usage.
  • Wellness Infrastructure and policies –Krishna is passionate to serve and fix the problems of mental health, alcohol and drug de-addiction, prisoners rehabilitation and homelessness etc. He has a commitment to build and support wellness infrastructure in Canberra.
  • Multicultural Fabric –Krishna is committed to enabling communities to build facilities and building a multicultural centre in Gungahlin to celebrate diversity. Utilise the strengths of multiculturalism to make Canberra diversify the businesses and generate employment even for our new fellow citizens.
  • Krishna is a good listener, with a can-do attitude and sensible serving mind-set.


Krishna Nadimpalli has received many professional and community honours. He is a recognised by many organisations to chair and key note speaker in conferences, Master Ceremonies for Australian Citizenship Ceremonies in Canberra and invited as an inspirational speaker for children. Salient honours received for his social contribution include:

Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

Governor General honoured Krishna with Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to multiculturalism in the ACT at the investiture ceremony on 12 September 2019 at Government House in Canberra.

Outstanding Volunteer of the Year 2017 | Dr Krishna Nadimpalli in ACT Election - Canberra, Yerrabi

Outstanding Volunteer

ACT Government has honoured Krishna as an Outstanding Volunteer of the Year for his contribution in providing leadership for volunteers in 2017.

Multicultural Advocate of the Year 2015

Multicultural Advocate of the Year

ACT Government has honoured Krishna as a Multicultural Advocate of the Year for his contribution in providing leadership for enabling communities to promote inclusive culture and celebrating diversity in 2015.

While working in Australian Public Service, Krishna achieved several corporate awards for developing frameworks and systems for disaster risk reduction. He has published about fifty research articles and reports. Krishna was graduated with two masters and a PhD from highly reputed institutions.